Outreach...our Heart
This has been an amazing year! A special thanks goes out to our anonymous donor. Through his generosity we were able to make donations of goods in excess of $30,000 to The Menifee Alternative to Domestic Violence House, The Church of Jesus Christ and Latter-Day Saints, Three Phases of a Woman, and Healing Streams Community Church to name a few. Through our partners generosity we donated comforters, hygiene kits, baby supplies, work boots, microwaves, refrigerators and so much more. Take a look at some of the moments we captured below.

2022 Honor Ceremony for the Menifee Girl Scout Troop.

Induction Ceremony - Cub Scouts becoming Boy Scouts.

Director of the Mt. San Jacinto College Veterans Program joined the LYSM Founder during the 2022 Chili cook off.

2022 Honor Ceremony for the Menifee Girl Scout Troop.
Our Community
We began the year partnering with the Dresses & Dream Project which enables young ladies to choose everything they need for prom night. As the year progressed, we worked alongside many organizations such as the City of Menifee, the VFW Post 1956, The Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts of America, and Menifee Interfaith. We were honored to serve at the Seniors Thanksgiving Dinner, Pray at the Veteran's Day Program, and speak at the Night of Gratitude sponsored by Menifee Interfaith & The Church of Latter Day Saints. Again, none of this would have been possible without the generous donations of all of our sponsors and partners so again we want to express our deepest thanks!

Special Recognition

Congratulations to our Founder, Pastor I B Sharp - Named as A Citizen Ambassador for the city of Menifee.
Our Team.
Leading by example
Congratulations to the Lead Your Ship Ministries Board who received the Community Commendation Award in recognition of their philanthropic spirit!
Rosilicie Ochoa Bogh
Senator (23rd District)